We need you! Could you help us to raise funds for much needed equipment at St Richard’s Hospital and make a real difference for patients and staff?
This Spring, we are running some exciting campaigns to raise funds for the hospital with our Spring Raffle which was launched last month. The first prize is a luxury July holiday for two in Crete, with lots of other prizes available. Tickets are £2 each and available for purchase from the Friends Hospital Shop, trolley service or by contacting the Friends Office directly. Tickets will be drawn on 17th April 2019 at 3pm!
More ways to support us
We are also holding a number of fundraising events including a Ball on the Farm. With tickets already selling fast, this black tie evening will be held in Bosham and promises to be great fun with an 8 piece soul band, dinner, auction and raffle to raise funds for St Richard’s Hospital. Tickets are £50 and available via admin@friendsofchichesterhospitals.org.uk
Another great way to support the Friends is by supporting the Friends shop, located near the Outpatients Department at St Richard’s Hospital. Open from Monday to Friday we sell a wide variety of useful things from gifts, toiletries, newspapers and magazines to food and drink, snacks and other essentials.
Interested in volunteering?
We are also always keen to hear from people who would like to volunteer either in the shop or on our well known ward trolley services which operates on a daily basis, run entirely by our volunteers and enables patients and staff the opportunity to buy stock from the shop without having to leave their wards. The Friends committee, trustees and all its members are all unpaid volunteers meaning that all profits made from our shop, trolley and fundraising activities goes straight to where it is needed the most – our hospital.
For more information on any of the above, contact us via admin@friendsofchichesterhospitals.org.uk, call 01243 831843 (Answerphone), send us a message via Facebook or Twitter, or drop into our shop where one of our friendly volunteers would be happy to help.
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